17 Paradise Street, HIGHGATE HILL 4101

property image

The residence at 17 Paradise Street, HIGHGATE HILL 4101 is for sale. We have been able to match with a government land value. By comparing the guide price to the land value, we have ranked the value.

Land Value Rating


We have rated this property as "Good", because the land value is more than 85% of the property value. This is potentially a good investment.

Astute property buyers compare the sales guide of a property with the land value. The unimproved land value without buildings is assessed by the government. This is often significantly lower than the sales guide. We help you find properties currently on the market which have good investment opportunity.

Details of 17 Paradise Street, HIGHGATE HILL 4101

Street Suburb Post code Guide Land Value Land Value % Property Id Land Size Land Value Rating

Top results are hidden!

17 Paradise Street HIGHGATE HILL 4101 $999,000 $860,000 86.09% 1113284 274.0m²


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